MooGoo Nappy Balm - Healing Infections with Zinc Oxide

One of the many challenges of topical steroid withdrawal in eczema sufferers is secondary infection. Somehow the excessive itching or even severe dryness that cause cracking of skin has created lesions and ulcers. Most infected sights will typically look like these few photos below It is noticed that there is reduced lipid (oily) layer of the skin of eczema sufferers when compared to other people. Lipid barrier aids in preventing excessive loss of moisture and when this is reduced it simply means water is lost more rapidly making the skin drier, bringing on chronic itching. Other than that, sweating and high changes of temperature can cause an eczema skin to get worst. Extreme dryness,plastic feeling skin and insane itching is also a much common condition in Topical Steroid Withdrawal. The reason for this is because many forget that topical steroids too can cause a secondary eczema on top of the one you already have. There are many ...